rope. tree. fan. spear. snake. wall.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Umm, we're leaving on Saturday! For Croatia! Do you know as vanishingly little about Eastern Europe as I do? Well, what the hell, back when we paid attention to that sort of thing it was behind the Iron Curtain and we were never gonna go there (didn't you just say you went to Leningrad in 1987? Um, yes, but that's... different. Drat it, you've ruined my narrative flow!) anyway. It was also part of Yugoslavia, and they redrew all the borders (in blood, basically, but, you know, whatever) in the early 90s while I was busy being young and self-absorbed. In stark contrast to the way I am now, which is middle-aged and self-absorbed. Anyway. Croatia. It's across the Adriatic from Italy, so I guess the climate is similar.

The place we went last year was booked solid by February this year, so we had to think of something else. DrBob found this thing in Croatia (sorry, I couldn't find anything in English), which is like a Family Entertainment Complex - totally not our usual thing, but we have to do something, right? I mean, already this year we are only taking one week of vacation, which is so totally un-German that they'll probably kick us out of the country if they find out. Anyway, the kids might enjoy it.

Me? I'm gonna take a bunch of novels with me and hang out by the pool and let the sun bake all this phlegm out of my lungs. Culture, schmulture, I'm too tired to enjoy it anyway. Though we might take a ferry to Venice. Once we decide whether it will be fun for the kids or the Amazing Carnival of Complaining.

Song du jour of the day: Emotional Rescue. The Rolling Stones


KimberlyDi said...

Hey, a vacation is still a vacation. Enjoy the change in routine. Taking a laptop with ya?

~d said...

Amazing life you are giving your children.