rope. tree. fan. spear. snake. wall.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

speaking of duh...

I went to put more milk in my coffee just now, but the fake-orange-juice carton looks so similar to the milk carton that I... yes. I did. I put orange-juice-drink in my coffee. Not even real orange juice, which would be equally gross but somehow... healthier... when I poured it down the drain... um. Okay, not sure where I was going with that.

On one hand, I probably shouldn't be drinking coffee at 10 pm anyway? On the other hand, I think this incident clearly shows that I need it.

Song du jour of the day is from They Might Be Giants: Dinner Bell.


~d said...

I put OJ on my ceral as a kid intentionally. To 'gross out' my friends. It worked. I think it was Rice Krispies. ( you are 7 hours ahead of me? ) I visited Scotland and was 6 hours ahead of, are you 1 hour ahead of Scotland? Heh heh heh. If its late, and you have no coffee then this may be barely comprehendable to you. ( how long has there been a wheelchair next to the word verification thingy? )

cmhl said...

did you ever get to SLEEP, after drinking coffee so late??

alala said...

Well, as I didn't actually get to DRINK the coffee... yes.

Kelly said...
