rope. tree. fan. spear. snake. wall.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


fetchings from TiniToday my PIF from Tini arrived and it is Fetching! Which is too, too perfect, because with this 8-hour-a-day data-entry job I'm doing, I keep resting my wrists on the desk and they get really cold, and putting on more sweaters or turning up the heat doesn't help at all, because my core temperature's fine, it's just my hands that are cold. And I was honestly and truly just thinking today about how I need something mittlike, but this job (and my own PIF projects) doesn't leave me time to knit them. And then they came in the mail! So very warm and wonderful. Thank you Tini! You must be psychic and clairvoyant!

I also bought some yarn from Tini that is so! Pretty! But my camera sucks so the photos turned out horrible. I'll try again tomorrow.


amy said...

I so have to get working on my PIF projects. And I love your thumb ring.

Tini said...

ooooh glad you like them. I forgot to add the ballband of the yarn, shall I email you a scan of it?

Tini said...

btw. don't forget to leave a rating/feedback on dawanda ;)

alala said...

@ amy. Yeah, me too...

@ tini: 1. sure, if it's not too much trouble. 2. thanks, I didn't know about the rating thing. Just did it a moment ago.

yasmin said...

tini dyes awesome colours, doesn't she? I *love* her yarns! :)