rope. tree. fan. spear. snake. wall.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Step 3: Dividing the body and sleeves

More stalling, because, hm, well. There is more than one way to do this, and I'm not sure how much nerdy detail to go into.

Ever so basically, somewhere between round 28 (the last increase round) and round 32 (the last round of the yoke), move the markers to mark off a back and front of 55 stitches each, and two sleeves of 45 stitches each. The center-back marker should remain at the center of the back, if that makes sense. Each sleeve will have a 5-stitch gusset that is mirrored on the body.

Once round 32 is complete, you can place the body stitches on a holder and continue on the sleeves, or place the sleeve stitches on a holder and continue the body. I usually do the sleeves first.

Here's the process I've developed, over, I dunno, 20 or so tiny sweaters:

Round 33, knit across the right half of the back (should be 27 or 28 stitches), slip the marker, and knit across the right sleeve (45 stitches). Thread a length of quilting ribbon onto a tapestry needle and slip the front stitches, the left sleeve stitches, and all the back stitches onto the ribbon. Tie it off.

Knit the right sleeve (see next post: Step 4, The sleeves), cut the yarn, and then start knitting at the base of the right sleeve. Work across the front and left sleeve, and then put the front stitches back on the holder. This leaves a tail at the base of the right sleeve for sewing up any holes that appear in the underarm.

Finish the left sleeve, cut the yarn, and then start at the base of the left sleeve and work the back stitches to the center-back marker. That was round 33.

From here you work the body in the round, for which refer to Step 5, The body and finishing. (I'll turn that into a link once the post is written).

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